Men were not immune from the British invasion however and some very Mod influences managed to creep into what was once the ultra conserative men's business attire. Patterns grew bolder as did color choices. No longer were blue, black or grey the only suit choices. Ties and shirts became more colorful as well.
Mod wasn't the only influence on mens styles, the anti-establishment hippie movement was bringing with it an "anything goes" philosophy that allowed for greater choice in clothing. Vests were worn without the suit, men were wearing sports jackets with slacks (instead of a suit), and suits with no tie, not to mention all kinds of mix matched patterns and colors.
Although hippie clothing influenced main stream style to a certain degree it never caught on as an everyday fashion.
While the movie Easy Rider was showcasing hippie style the average school kid was still dressing very conseratively. fiftiesweb
Mod wasn't the only influence on mens styles, the anti-establishment hippie movement was bringing with it an "anything goes" philosophy that allowed for greater choice in clothing. Vests were worn without the suit, men were wearing sports jackets with slacks (instead of a suit), and suits with no tie, not to mention all kinds of mix matched patterns and colors.
Although hippie clothing influenced main stream style to a certain degree it never caught on as an everyday fashion.
While the movie Easy Rider was showcasing hippie style the average school kid was still dressing very conseratively. fiftiesweb
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