Sunday, November 13, 2011

Women's Clothing/Dress in the 60s and 70s

Bit era and fashion is as captivating as the icon of the 1960s. Came about during a time of massive social change and unrest, the fashion of the 1960s reflect these attitudes changed in a very separate from the era before fashion. There is a large degree of diversity in clothing style fashion icon during this period, from Jacqueline Kennedy's style neatly with a hodgepodge of more than hippies and Mods.

There are as many different styles that are difficult to determine exactly the most iconic images of fashion in the 60s. Perhaps the greatest common denominator that exists between these groups is that the fashion to be focused on youth culture emerged, one of the biggest trends of the 60's. Previous mode is intended for adult consumption.

With the surge in births after World War Two and the resulting tidal wave of teenagers and young people who come into their own during the 60s, fashion designers try to capture this emerging market by designing styles that young people will receive. What happens is the surge in clothing styles targeted different social groups, allowing for greater diversity in clothing as a professional fashion and popular shaped popular consciousness.
As the 60s gave way to the '70s, fashion trends to follow courses catering for a large body of young people who began to emerge as adults. However, the cultural ethos of liberation in the 60s to survive and produce the 70's fashion scandal.
Mini skirts are all the rage for young women with tight pants or denim jeans leaving little imagination to young men the most. Clothing suitable for dancing or showing skin in fashion, such as the development of top tube for ladies and tight t-shirt for men.
Echoes of the 70's that are present more in the current mode by printing setbacks and look for vintage shirts and jeans. Although some of the excesses of the '70s, such as garments and polyester bellbottom jeans recreation, has thankfully been removed, the 70's is the last breath in popular conventions affect the fashion industry than just fashion designers developed to guide decision-clothes men. frankelcostume

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